since the late 1700s, the world has gone throughthree distinct industrial revolutions. first we harnessed steam power for mechanized production,followed by electricity for mass production, and the most recent has seen electronics pavethe way for automated production. each revolution changed the scope of human labor dramatically,and has been the most significant force behind globalization and division of labor. today,many are saying that the rapidly approaching

car rental davos switzerland, fourth industrial revolution will change everythingagain. so, what is the fourth industrial revolution? well, technology has increasingly permeatedour lives, and there have been rapid advancements in manufacturing and artificial intelligence.since the third industrial revolution, human labor has bridged the gap between the limitsof technology and the demands of a developing
economy. the fourth industrial revolutionis closing that gap by eliminating the need for worker to operate as middlemen betweenconsumers and machines. that’s not good news for low skilled and low paid labor. as a result, many jobs will be slowly phasedout in favor of high tech automation. self-driving cars will eliminate the need for taxi drivers,drone-delivery will cut out postal services. we’ve even seen industries like travel agenciesand video rental stores completely fold in just the last few years. emerging technologies are already able toreplace a huge number of workers, with the main barrier to full automation being theinitial cost of setting up an automated infrastructure.
as that cost collapses in the coming years,the existing gap between low and high skill workers will only grow. the biggest beneficiaries of the fourth industrialrevolution will be those who invest, invent, and consume. most of the world’s existingwealth holders will see their quality of life improve, and costs of living go down as automationmakes goods and services cheaper. however, developing countries with huge pools of cheaplabor, such as china and india will see artificial intelligence and robots destroy their competitiveadvantage of low-cost human capital. the world economic forum has already predictedthat by 2020, more than 7 million jobs will disappear. these will be predominantly inwhite collar and administrative roles, while
areas like computing, math, architecture,and engineering will likely see more jobs created. this shift will disproportionatelyaffect women, as the benefiting stem fields already see very low numbers of female engagement.while women will lose twenty jobs for every job gained, men will only lose four. while the fourth industrial revolution willmake it easier for upper income individuals to create wealth, and focus more so on technicaland creative fields, it will also widen existing gender and class gaps with little recourse.but frankly, every industrial revolution thus far has encountered the same exact issues.although the negative effects tend to fall on existing generations, subsequent generationssee huge advancements and prosperity.
in the near future it’ll be more and moreimportant to stake out a claim in the online marketplace. for help with that, check outthis episode’s sponsor, domain dot com, the place to go when that next great ideahits you! and now you’re not just limited to dot com or dot org, you can register tonsof new domains under “dot designâ€, “dot club†and even “dot ninja!†and becauseyou know we love our testtube audience, you can save 20% by using the coupon code “tubeâ€at domain dot com’s checkout! as we enter the fourth industrial revolution,some are saying that the current economic model has run it’s course. so, are we nearingthe end of capitalism? check out this video to find out! thanks for watching testtube news, don’t forget tolike and subscribe for new videos every day,
and check out me out on sourcefed, where newsand comedy collide!

car rental davos switzerland, fourth industrial revolution will change everythingagain. so, what is the fourth industrial revolution? well, technology has increasingly permeatedour lives, and there have been rapid advancements in manufacturing and artificial intelligence.since the third industrial revolution, human labor has bridged the gap between the limitsof technology and the demands of a developing
economy. the fourth industrial revolutionis closing that gap by eliminating the need for worker to operate as middlemen betweenconsumers and machines. that’s not good news for low skilled and low paid labor. as a result, many jobs will be slowly phasedout in favor of high tech automation. self-driving cars will eliminate the need for taxi drivers,drone-delivery will cut out postal services. we’ve even seen industries like travel agenciesand video rental stores completely fold in just the last few years. emerging technologies are already able toreplace a huge number of workers, with the main barrier to full automation being theinitial cost of setting up an automated infrastructure.
as that cost collapses in the coming years,the existing gap between low and high skill workers will only grow. the biggest beneficiaries of the fourth industrialrevolution will be those who invest, invent, and consume. most of the world’s existingwealth holders will see their quality of life improve, and costs of living go down as automationmakes goods and services cheaper. however, developing countries with huge pools of cheaplabor, such as china and india will see artificial intelligence and robots destroy their competitiveadvantage of low-cost human capital. the world economic forum has already predictedthat by 2020, more than 7 million jobs will disappear. these will be predominantly inwhite collar and administrative roles, while
areas like computing, math, architecture,and engineering will likely see more jobs created. this shift will disproportionatelyaffect women, as the benefiting stem fields already see very low numbers of female engagement.while women will lose twenty jobs for every job gained, men will only lose four. while the fourth industrial revolution willmake it easier for upper income individuals to create wealth, and focus more so on technicaland creative fields, it will also widen existing gender and class gaps with little recourse.but frankly, every industrial revolution thus far has encountered the same exact issues.although the negative effects tend to fall on existing generations, subsequent generationssee huge advancements and prosperity.
in the near future it’ll be more and moreimportant to stake out a claim in the online marketplace. for help with that, check outthis episode’s sponsor, domain dot com, the place to go when that next great ideahits you! and now you’re not just limited to dot com or dot org, you can register tonsof new domains under “dot designâ€, “dot club†and even “dot ninja!†and becauseyou know we love our testtube audience, you can save 20% by using the coupon code “tubeâ€at domain dot com’s checkout! as we enter the fourth industrial revolution,some are saying that the current economic model has run it’s course. so, are we nearingthe end of capitalism? check out this video to find out! thanks for watching testtube news, don’t forget tolike and subscribe for new videos every day,
and check out me out on sourcefed, where newsand comedy collide!
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