what is family tax benefit?family tax benefit helps with the costs of raising children.so if you’re eligible, you may get it from your child’sbirth to their late teens. it’s made up of two parts:part a and part b. family tax benefit part a is paid foreach child and the amount you
car hire sydney to brisbane cheap, get is based on your family’sindividual circumstances. family tax benefit part b givesextra help to single parents and families with one main income.for example, where one parent stays at home tocare for a child full-time,
or maybe balances part-timework with caring. you can choose to receive your family taxbenefit payments fortnightly or annually. you may alsobe eligible for additional supplements that willincrease your payments. some supplements are included inyour regular family tax benefit payments, and others are paid atthe end of the financial year. for more information head to:humanservices.gov.au/ftb
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